Community College PetroChem Initiative Scholarship (CCPI)

This scholarship is sponsored by ExxonMobil and is based on merit and need. Scholarship funds are to be used for tuition, fees, textbooks and other training costs. The amount of scholarship awards is determined by the selection committee.

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree or a certificate in the petrochemical field (Analyzer Technology, Computer Aided Drafting and Design, Electrical Technology, Engineering Technology, Instrumentation, Logistics and Supply Chain Maintenance, Pipefitting, Process Technology (Operator), Production Technology, Welding)

Additional Qualifications:

  • Student may be a high school student or other student pursuing a degree or certificate in the petrochemical field (see list above.)
  • Student cannot already be working for a petrochemical company.
  • Student must be willing to provide periodic updates and testimonials about their experience in their field of study.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you pursuing a degree or a certificate in the petrochemical field?
  2. Are you currently working for a petrochemical company?
  3. Are you willing to provide periodic updates and testimonials about your experience in this field of study?