San Jacinto College Central Campus - Student Government Association Scholarship

At San Jacinto College, the Student Government Association Leaders at each campus serve in this position to provide student input to the college administration, as well as serving a vital role in providing leadership opportunities, an outlet for student engagement, and a vital link in creating a robust network of student leaders through club participation in SGA meetings. All of these purposes have a large body of research that support their benefit to student development and student success. In fact, leaders within SGA have been called on multiple times to sit on focus groups, college workgroups for policy initiatives, the ISSC council, and as student representatives during the Aspen Award assessments.

While this type of participation offers many long-term benefits for students such as leadership skills, marketable experience, and chances to develop many of the “soft skills” that are coveted by employers, there is a substantial amount of time and energy required to adequately fulfill the duties of a leader within the Student Government Association.

Those students who are willing to step-up and serve in an Executive Officer role within the SGA and commit the time to serving the students and the College, are eligible to be considered for an SGA Scholarship each semester.

Qualifying Criteria:
1. Must have been elected or appointed to an SGA Executive Office Position for the upcoming semester.
2. Must be registered for at least 1 class on the campus you are holding office.
3. Must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you an elected or appointed SGA Executive Officer?
  2. What is your SGA Executive Office Position?
  3. Are you registered for at least 1 class on the campus you are holding office?
  4. Please list campus course(s).